is Hieroglyph. Hieroglyph is one of the ancient Egyptian pictograms.
This script was written at an important situation such as sanctuary, grave, mural, religious document, and official epigram. It
had a religious role like a spell because it was said to have big power even if it was not uttered. In 19
century, Champollion, a French archaeologist, ascertained it by
deciphering Rosetta Stone. I have begun to study this script so that I can
understand what it says when I go to Egypt someday.

is Hieratic. Hieratic is also one of the ancient Egyptian pictograms.
This is simplified Hieroglyph. This script was used by flamens and
scribers. This is read from right to left. This is useful when people
wrote scripts on papyrus. This was used in Egypt and Nubia.
Hieratic is derived from grammata hieratika which is Greek. I want to
study this script when I finish learning Hieroglyph to some extent.

is Demotic. Demotic is also one of the ancient Egyptian pictograms. This
is simplified Hieratic. This became standard script in 600 B.C. around
Egypt. This is like Coptic. This is famous by Rosetta Stone, which is in
British Museum. Rosetta Stone is separated into 3 parts, and those are
Hieroglyph, Domotic, and Greek from up to bottom. I want to see Rosetta
Stone in Britain Museum when I go to Britain.